The Future is Now: 1 in 4 SMEs investing in AI & Automation

The Future is Now: 1 in 4 SMEs investing in AI & Automation

Australian small businesses are ditching the busywork and turning to cutting-edge tech like artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. A recent NAB SME Business Insights report reveals nearly a quarter (23%) have already invested, with another 20% planning to join the wave.

So, what’s driving this surge?

Focus on What Matters: Growth, Not Paperwork

For many SMEs, it’s all about efficiency. Imagine saying goodbye to tedious tasks like data entry and paperwork! AI and automation can handle those repetitive chores, freeing you up to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and building strong customer relationships.

Around 40% of SMEs believe AI will boost their profits, while a third think it might even reduce their need for certain administrative roles. That’s good news for both your bottom line and your workload!

But Wait, There’s a Catch (or Two)

Not all SMEs are on board just yet. The report highlights some common roadblocks:

  • Knowledge Gap: Nearly half of SMEs are unsure about getting started with these new technologies.
  • Time Constraints: Running a small business is demanding! Finding time to learn and implement new tech can be tough.
  • Cost Concerns: While AI can save money in the long run, the initial investment can be a hurdle.

Introducing AndyBat: Your Automated Accountant, Not a Hollywood Takeover

AndyBat is your friendly neighbourhood accounting bot.  Think of him as your personal accounting whiz, minus the hefty fees.

Here’s how AndyBat can help you overcome those barriers and leverage the power of automation:

  • 100% Qualified: AndyBat is a collaborative program developed by both accountants and IT Developers to work like how an accountant would – with all the associated checks and balances.  
  • Time Saved, Business Gained: Let AndyBat handle the time-consuming stuff, freeing you up for strategic tasks and interacting with your customers.
  • Cost-Effective: From as little as $75+GST per month, you can access AndyBat’s expertise without a huge upfront investment.

A Seamless Integration: AndyBat Works with You

AndyBat integrates seamlessly with popular accounting software like Xero and WorkflowMax. This means he can work alongside your existing systems, making the transition smooth and efficient.

AndyBat Has You Covered!

All of AndyBat’s actions are monitored and reviewed, and you can see a log of everything he’s done. Think of him as a transparent and accountable assistant, always working under your (and a professional accountant’s) supervision.

Ready to Join the AI Revolution?

Don’t get left behind! SMEs across Australia are embracing AI and automation to streamline their businesses and boost their profits. With AndyBat by your side, you can too.

See how AndyBat can transform your accounting today!

Source: Tailored Accounts

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